Pork Floss Cookies

Hello everyone :-) A new recipe video. This one's more of a savoury recipe - with combining pork floss and cookies. If you don't know what pork floss is, it's really pork - cooked, shredded, and dried. It's savoury, with a bit of sweetness, and used like bacon bits in Chinese cuisine. It's possible to make at home, but takes a lot of time, so I usually don't. You can most likely find these in large supermarkets or Asian grocery stores. If you're at liberty to eat pork, and haven't tried it before, I highly recommend :-)

Pork Floss links:

The Recipe (makes about 45 cookies)

Cookie dough:

85 g unsalted butter
35 g icing usgar
75 g ricotta cheese
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
120 g barley flour

Filling + decoration:

60 g dried pork floss
2 tbsp black sesame seeds
2 tbsp white sesame seeds

Alternative flavour:

1 tsp vanilla extract or paste (added to dough)
zest of 1 orange
~1/4 cup sweetened hot chocolate powder

Baking time: 15-20 min in 325 F (~165C) oven.

Instagram: @kelly.elly

Lemme know what you think of the recipe and tag me on Instagram if you've tried it! :-)


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